The Stage Veritas of Adács was formed on 11 October in 1974. This is one of the oldest art group of County Heves. In the last 25 years they continuosly took part of the amateur acting campaign. Their first outstanding success was reached in 1983. Then they represented County Heves at the national acting festival in Kimle. Beside the professional appreciation they got prize of audience. The jury appraised the performance as follows: „Good singing, comedian group is the Stage Veritas of Adács. It does not matter if there are actors on the stage.” After the political system had changed they started to build transborder relationships. They continuosly went to perform to Transylvania and to Uplands. They have already been in Tordaszentlászló, in Dunaszerdahely, in Fülek, in Szepsi, in Péder, in Tornaújfalu, and in Buzita.
There are usually comedies on at their programme. The most successful performances are: Opened window by Károly Nóti, the doctor by Ferenc Molnár, Miska Mágnás by Albert Szirmai, one skirt and one pair of trousers and the three goodhearted thefts by Zsolt Frenko. The Stage Veritas of Adács and the director was honoured by the Slovakian Cultural Ministry in 2000, for „the maintenance of the transborder cultural relationship between Slovakia and Hungary. Adács organizes the national meeting and conference of the village acting groups. This will happen by fifth times this year.