Our association was established among the first ones in county Heves in 1989.
Our main task is to take care of local folk traditions, participate at cultural programmes, to support the local amateur art groups and to participate in their work. The association counts almost 100 members. Among the members you can find people from the local white-collar workers, teachers, students, unemployed ones as well as blue-collar workers. In 1998 the association turned into an organization of public utility, so this way it can work within more effective financial conditions in order to support the local cultural life.
Our association started to bulid their transborder connections in 1989. We have good relationship with the hungarian representatives from Uplands, from region Kassa and with the secretary of Csemadok regional group, Mr Ferenc Boda. We are the hungarian financial responsible organization for them. We have organized the folk dance festival of hungarian historical regions by 10th times, on which the transborder representatives of the hungarian historical regions also take part. From Transylavania, Uplands and from Vajdaság. The aim of our programme is to introduce the uniformity and variegation of the hungarian folk dance culture.
The guest groups appear in Eger, in Gyöngyös and in more settlement of county Heves. The hungarians from Vajdaság are permanent guests of the programmes supported by us. At national meeting of village acting groups, held in our village, we could see acting groups from Nagykikinda and from Szenttamási.
We have similar good relationship with the representatives of the hungarian-transylvanian culture. The members of folk dance group and acting group from Tordaszentlászló regularly appear in our village. We have good relationship with the Foundation Téka of Szamosújvár, too. Téka folk dance group performed in Adács in 2003 and in 2006.

Our folk dance camp has been organized since 1974 at Lake Balaton, in Jacht Camping in Balatonalmádi. The aim of the camp is to take care of the hungarian folk dance culture and folk traditions and team building. Beside this we process actual things, too. Campers have chance to know the cultural, architectural monuments of Balaton-uplands And its history and folk traditions. In our programme those youngsters take part whose family is in disadvantageous fianancial situation and that is why they do not have any other chance to have any kind of organized summer holiday.
These families are in disadvantageous fianancial situation and the head of the family is unemployed. Other amateur art groups supported by our association: Stage Veritas, folk dance section and modern dance section of Zéta dance club. These groups go to transborder countries every year. They have been to Tordaszentlászló, Dunaszerdahely, Tornaújfalu, Péder, Szepsi, Jászó, Fülek, Buzita and to Szádelő. The slovakian Foreign Affairs Ministry honoured the Stage Veritas of Adács at their 25th anniversary for maintaining the transborder relationships. Our folk dance group beside the transborder cooperation has got significant relationships in Poznan, Poland, in Marciano, Italy, in Hannover, Germany, in Custonacia, Sicily, in Pontevedra, Spain, in Istambul, Turkey. We are permanently guests of these European countries.